Thursday, November 29, 2012

Jimmy's Jingle Bell Sock Contest #3

Jimmy's Jingle Bell Sock Contest

Anyone can join!!!

Anyone can win!!!

There are several ways to win entries into the sock!!!

How it works:

You will be given clues on this blog!  DO NOT post the answer to the clue on the blog or on the Facebook page as there will be ten (10) winners for each clue.  

You must send the answer in a private message to 
Jimmy's Tavern Facebook page.  

In order to message Jimmy's Tavern YOU MUST LIKE THE PAGE FIRST!!!!

If you are the fastest ten (10) you will receive a ticket (via email through Facebook) to put into the sock at Jimmy's Tavern.

Want to try and win WHILE you are at the bar?  Here's two ways you can do that:
  1. Each day will have a different colored ticket.  When you collect FIVE (5) different colors you can exchange those tickets for one (1) entry into the sock.  See bartender for entry.
  2. On nights we have entertainment, live music and karaoke, the entertainers will be giving out entries into the sock.  You must be present to participate to win these entries.
Contest ends on December 25th!!  Drawing will be December 26th.

What will you win?  

$150.00 in gifts and prizes for the winner drawn. 

There will be more names drawn and additional prizes given for those who do not win the GRAND PRIZE!!

What is the GRAND PRIZE?

Full details at a later date but I can tell you that a bar tab, food tab, Jimmy's Tavern shirt, Budweiser mug are part of the prize.  Keep reading as more details of the prize will be handed out.

Clues will be easy to difficult.  Some you may know...some you may have to search for at Jimmy's Tavern.

Good Luck to ALL!!
CLUE #3:  What President is quoted at Jimmy's?  Private Message Jimmy's Tavern on their Facebook Page or email with the answer and if you are among the first ten (10) to answer you will receive an entry via Facebook.
Like Jimmy's Tavern on Facebook.

Jimmy's Tavern (click for map) 324 S McCulloch Blvd, Pueblo, CO 81007       

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Jimmy's Jingle Bell Sock Contest Clue #2

In conjunction with Pueblo's famous Jingle Bell Rock contest we are starting our own new tradition: 

Jimmy's Jingle Bell Sock Contest

Anyone can join!!!

Anyone can win!!!

There are several ways to win entries into the sock!!!

How it works:

You will be given clues on this blog!  DO NOT post the answer to the clue on the blog or on the Facebook page as there will be ten (10) winners for each clue.  

You must send the answer in a private message to 
Jimmy's Tavern Facebook page.  

In order to message Jimmy's Tavern YOU MUST LIKE THE PAGE FIRST!!!!

If you are the fastest ten (10) you will receive a ticket (via email through Facebook) to put into the sock at Jimmy's Tavern.

Want to try and win WHILE you are at the bar?  Here's two ways you can do that:
  1. Each day will have a different colored ticket.  When you collect FIVE (5) different colors you can exchange those tickets for one (1) entry into the sock.  See bartender for entry.
  2. On nights we have entertainment, live music and karaoke, the entertainers will be giving out entries into the sock.  You must be present to participate to win these entries.
Contest ends on December 25th!!  Drawing will be December 26th.

What will you win?  

$150.00 in gifts and prizes for the winner drawn. 

There will be more names drawn and additional prizes given for those who do not win the GRAND PRIZE!!

What is the GRAND PRIZE?

Full details at a later date but I can tell you that a bar tab, food tab, Jimmy's Tavern shirt, Budweiser mug are part of the prize.  Keep reading as more details of the prize will be handed out.

Clues will be easy to difficult.  Some you may know...some you may have to search for at Jimmy's Tavern.

Good Luck to ALL!!
CLUE #2:  Who hangs by the bar X 3?  Private Message Jimmy's Tavern on their Facebook Page or email with the answer and if you are among the first ten (10) to answer you will receive an entry via Facebook.
Like Jimmy's Tavern on Facebook.

Jimmy's Tavern (click for map) 324 S McCulloch Blvd, Pueblo, CO 81007       

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jingle Bell Sock

In conjunction with Pueblo's famous Jingle Bell Rock contest we are starting our own new tradition: 

Jimmy's Jingle Bell Sock Contest

It is now starting!!!

Anyone can join!!!

Anyone can win!!!

There are several ways to win entries into the sock!!!

How it works:

You will be given clues on this blog!  DO NOT post the answer to the clue on the blog or on the Facebook page as there will be ten (10) winners for each clue.  

You must send the answer in a private message to 
Jimmy's Tavern Facebook page.  

In order to message Jimmy's Tavern YOU MUST LIKE THE PAGE FIRST!!!!

If you are the fastest ten (10) you will receive a ticket (via email through Facebook) to put into the sock at Jimmy's Tavern.

Want to try and win WHILE you are at the bar?  Here's two ways you can do that:
  1. Each day will have a different colored ticket.  When you collect FIVE (5) different colors you can exchange those tickets for one (1) entry into the sock.  See bartender for entry.
  2. On nights we have entertainment, live music and karaoke, the entertainers will be giving out entries into the sock.  You must be present to participate to win these entries.
Contest ends on December 25th!!  Drawing will be December 26th.

What will you win?  

$150.00 in gifts and prizes for the winner drawn. 

There will be more names drawn and additional prizes given for those who do not win the GRAND PRIZE!!

What is the GRAND PRIZE?

Full details at a later date but I can tell you that a bar tab, food tab, Jimmy's Tavern shirt, Budweiser mug are part of the prize.  Keep reading as more details of the prize will be handed out.

Clues will be easy to difficult.  Some you may know...some you may have to search for at Jimmy's Tavern.

Good Luck to ALL!!
CLUE #1:  Name the APA Masters Playoff Champions for the Spring of 2012.  First and Last Names!  Private Message Jimmy's Tavern on their Facebook Page or email with the answer and if you are among the first ten (10) to answer you will receive an entry via Facebook.
Like Jimmy's Tavern on Facebook.

Jimmy's Tavern (click for map) 324 S McCulloch Blvd, Pueblo, CO 81007       

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jingle Bell Rock Contest

The Jingle Bell Rock....One of the longest, and craziest, traditions in Pueblo, Colorado.

Where else will you grab your family, friends, teams and literally trip over yourself to FIND A ROCK!  And they say Black Friday is Crazy.

I have to admit, as crazy at it is, it is so much fun!

This tradition is sponsored by KPHT 95.5 Pueblo's Greatest Hits radio station.  They hide a ROCK and broadcast clues to where it is.

You will see people combing fields, searching trashcans (although I have never understood this one), running into place is off limits.  Even with KPHT knowing that hiding the ROCK in a busy area and making the decision to NOT do that...people will still hold up traffic in search of the ROCK.

So why do people do this?  Maybe it is the $10,000+ in cash and prizes for the winner(s).  Although the prize would be nice I do not believe that is why many do this.  From the beginning of the contest until the ROCK has been found you cannot go anywhere; out to eat, movies, work, shopping, without hearing people talk about it.  I know why I do it.....I know I will never win but it is fun to be part of the tradition...and maybe I might just win.  

Christmas is about coming together and I guess this is one way for the community to come together...of course it is still a contest.  It is nice to see the community working together (okay as together as a $10,000+ prize contest will allow).  People share their thoughts on the clues...or steer someone in the wrong direction but for a short time we are all one.  There isn't executives, blue collar, medical, secretarial, black, white, brown, as we are all the same when we go trudging out in 10 degree weather looking for a ROCK!!

Who will win this year?  

Jimmy's Tavern is starting their own tradition:  This will be the first year of the Jingle Bell Sock!  There will be $150.00 prize for the 1st place winner with smaller prizes for 2nd and 3rd.  This contest will begin on November 25th and run until Christmas.  If you would like to participate in this contest you must stayed tuned to this blog as all details and clues will be provided here.  

Good Luck!!

Here is a hint:  You will get one step closer to winning if you Like Jimmy's Tavern Facebook page!!

Like Jimmy's Tavern on Facebook.

Jimmy's Tavern (click for map) 324 S McCulloch Blvd, Pueblo, CO 81007       

Sunday, November 11, 2012

America the Beautiful: History of Veterans Day

Click HERE and come back and read.

We live in a world that either supports the war or hates the war. People choose sides. People talk about their views on the war.  

I want to talk about the SOLDIER not the war.  I want to talk about their sacrifice.  

You can hate the war but still support the soldier who risks their life for you. No matter which side you the Soldier!  

My challenge to you is this:  Each and every time you see a Soldier tell them "thank you."  If you understand their sacrifice you will appreciate what they stand for.  

Today is Veteran's Day.  There have been many sacrifices for your right to have whatever opinion you may have.

The following is taken directly from:  United States Department of Veterans Affairs

In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations…"
The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business beginning at 11:00 a.m.
The United States Congress officially recognized the end of World War I when it passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926, with these words:

  • Whereas the 11th of November 1918, marked the cessation of the most destructive, sanguinary, and far reaching war in human annals and the resumption by the people of the United States of peaceful relations with other nations, which we hope may never again be severed, and
  • Whereas it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this date should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations; and
  • Whereas the legislatures of twenty-seven of our States have already declared November 11 to be a legal holiday: Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), that the President of the United States is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings on November 11 and inviting the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies of friendly relations with all other peoples.
An Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code, Sec. 87a) approved May 13, 1938, made the 11th of November in each year a legal holiday—a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as "Armistice Day." Armistice Day was primarily a day set aside to honor veterans of World War I, but in 1954, after World War II had required the greatest mobilization of soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen in the Nation’s history; after American forces had fought aggression in Korea, the 83rd Congress, at the urging of the veterans service organizations, amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word "Armistice" and inserting in its place the word "Veterans." With the approval of this legislation (Public Law 380) on June 1, 1954, November 11th became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

When is it too much

Lets face it.  Bartenders and bar waitstaff have a very difficult job.  They not only have to remember you, they have to remember what you like to drink AND be nice.  Their job becomes very difficult when YOU have had too much to drink and they have to cut you off.  Don't take it personal IT IS THE LAW in EVERY State!

When a bartender or bar waitstaff talk to you it is not just because they are friendly, not just because they get "paid" to do it...they do it because one day it may save your life.

If you are not asked these questions please inform the bar staff BEFORE you start drinking:
  • Are you on any medications
  • Are you on any type of diet
This may seem a bit "odd" but it could save your life.

Here are a few guidelines that are easy to understand when a person has had too much alcohol and it's time to be cut off.
  • Tired
  • Depressed
  • Stressed
  • Obvious you have been drinking BEFORE entering their establishment
These are ways for the bar staff to KEEP YOU SAFE.  No one WANTS to cut a drinker off they do it for your safety and it's against the law not to cut you off.  I prefer to think that all bar staff do this because they care about you.

Think of it like a stoplight:  Green, yellow and red

Green means the person is sober.  They are aware of their surroundings.  They order what they drink (not the guy at the end of the bar insisting they do a shot together), they order one drink and finish that one before they order another, they are drinking water along with their alcohol.

Yellow:  We have all been there:  that buzzed feeling.  It's great but it doesn't last too long.  When you are here you are being watched a bit closer.  A good bar staff will offer you a menu so you can eat.  If you find that you are being served a bit "slower" than you were before....just know it is for your safety.  At this point some bars have rules to notify the manager and/or bouncer of this situation.

Red:  Oops you are intoxicated and in most cases will be cut off from alcohol....again for YOUR safety!  Because it is easy to move from yellow to red it can happen with one drink.  When your impairment is low, your inhibitions are relaxed, coordination and reaction time are down you are probably going to be cut off.  Remember it is nothing personal.

We all like to have a good time.  A good time can turn bad in a matter of seconds.  If you are aware of what the bar protocol is you can always have a good time while respecting what they need to do and what they have to do.

Drink responsibly.  There is someone who loves you and would miss you if something bad happened.

Like Jimmy's Tavern on Facebook.

Jimmy's Tavern (click for map)
324 S McCulloch Blvd, Pueblo, CO 81007