Monday, June 18, 2012

FREE ride for Jimmy's Tavern patrons

How many drinks would it take to be considered drunk?  Too drunk to drive?  Have you ever wondered....okay have you ever wondered this BEFORE you started drinking and not after?

Okay, one (1) drink per hour is a safe's too hot after that long.

Here is a calculator that tells you (estimate) what your BAC (Blood Alcohol Count) would be after so many drinks in so many hours.....COOL!! BUT.....I just learned that if I have four (4) beers at 6% alcohol in 2 1/12 hours oops DUI.  This shocked me because when I have four (4) beers at 6% alcohol in 2 1/2 hours I FEEL FINE....I guess that's where the impairment comes in huh?

So here's the thing.  No one wants you to drive drunk or impaired....even bar owners.  If you aren't safe you won't return, am I right?  It used to be called a $10,000 DUI...well those days are over because the with the increase of insurance, legal fees, fines, bail it could be up to $25,000 when you are finished.....that is $6250.00 PER BEER I just had.  MSN has a breakdown of most fees that may be incurred with a DUI. (MSN Money arrive alive).

I am going to use this calculator to determine what I can safely have BEFORE I get to the bar if I am driving.

It is important that if you are going to be drinking please do not drive.  Get a designated driver, call a cab or call a friend (hopefully not the friend who was sitting next to you drinking with you).  I am going to have to call someone or have a designated driver as the calculator says I am allowed two (2) beers at 6% alcohol in a 2 1/2 hour time span.

Jimmy's Tavern wants you to be safe when you leave there.  The staff at Jimmy's Tavern are absolutely wonderful. If you do not "trust yourself" to make the right decision hand your keys over when you get there....let the sober one who KNOWS how much you have had to drink decided if you should be driving.  Jimmy's Tavern LOVE their patrons and want them to ALWAYS be safe.

This New Years Eve you won't have to worry about it!!!  FREE RIDES FOR PUEBLO WEST RESIDENTS!!

Like Jimmy's Tavern on Facebook.


Jimmy's Tavern (click for map) 324 S McCulloch Blvd, Pueblo, CO 81007   

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